LIFT Dane, a joint venture created by several local non-profit organizations to improve the financial well-being of Dane County residents, is pleased to announce new funding support for our Driver’s License Reinstatement Fund from the Alliant Energy Foundationthe Nimick Forbesway Foundation, and the Becker Law Office.

With more than 250,000 Wisconsin driver’s licenses suspended each year, even those with jobs often cannot afford to pay the $60 fee to have their driver’s license reinstated.

The inability to secure or maintain a driver’s license can have a major impact on someone’s ability to advance in the workforce, secure housing, and experience stability.

For Dane County residents who have difficulty paying the fee for reinstating their suspended driver’s license, this new program will soon provide the $60 to remove that last financial barrier.

We are most grateful to the Alliant Energy Foundation, the Nimick Forbesway Foundation, and the Becker Law Office for recognizing the importance of a driver’s license to securing jobs, housing, and improving our community’s economy.

Please watch for updates as we rollout the new LIFT Dane Driver’s License Reinstatement Fund in 2021. If you or your organization would also like to be part of this effort, please let us know. You can donate directly to LIFT Dane via our website at

LIFT Dane receives support and funding under the 501(c)(3) status of the Economic Justice Institute, Inc.